Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Meeting the star of The Last Dragon at the Hudson Valley Comic Con

I took a ride the weekend of April 21-22 to the Hudson Valley Comic Con in Poughkeepsie, NY.  It felt great getting back on the convention circuit and seeing old friends and making some new ones.  I was particularly thrilled to meet Taimak, martial arts champion, actor, stuntman and star of the 1985 Sony Picture cult classic film The Last Dragon.
 I'm standing on Taimak's right side and in the picture are a couple of my buddies.  It was a real pleasure talking to him about his training and future plans.  What a great guy and a true star. 

In coming months I will be on the road visiting more comic book conventions and sharing some of my pics and stories in future blogs.  I hope you will stop by Three J Productions, LLC blogspot and share in the moments.  - Carl Herring Jr. / President Three J Productions, LLC

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